Here at Animal Pharm we've all been getting excited about our new blogs – we've been studying the webstats and have come up with some interesting facts. Firstly, which company is it in Brentford, UK, that has been visiting our website … whoever you are, welcome. We've also had visitors from across the US, Tunisia in North Africa, and Sao Paolo, Brazil.
So remember, wherever you're visiting from – we're watching you …. I'll be providing any interesting updates in the next post.
A number of companies have been getting to the point this week in biologicals, with both SPAH and Merial announcing significant launches. We've just received a press release from SPAH that they've made the first ever launch of two new canine vaccines. One for parvovirus with a four-year duration of immunity, and one for leptospirosis. This follows hot on the heels of an announcement by Merial that it has launched a new Recombitek Equine Influenza Virus vaccine in the US.
I recently spent a very enjoyable evening with the friendly people at the UK's Association of Veterinarians in Industry. The meeting included a fascinating presentation from world leading ape expert Ian Redmond (pictured) who explained that we were damaging ape habitats by consuming palm oil.
As a result of the meeting, I'm trying to convince our management team that Animal Pharm should sponsor a chimpanzee.
The AVI meeting finished with a good old knees-up, but as the wine was flowing as freely as the conversation, my memory is a little hazy of how everything actually wound-up. All I know is that I woke up with a headache and a sponsor a chimp form
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